Shame of the American Justice guardianship/conservatorship , violated a decade the human rights of the most famous woman in the USA! Shame outside the Law! State Must pay Britney for violating this guardianship, and the family! Everyone must pay! the newspapers! the photographers! Justin Timberlake! All who contributed to bring her down and induce her to this supposedly crazy life! Enslaved!!! No fundamental rights, no human rights, women's rights, mother's rights, freedom, to come and go! Still, subjected to media vexations, ex-boyfriends, enslaved by the family, drugged, neglected by the law, by the ex-husband, by the government, family members, everyone! But contributing taxes and paying heavy fees to lawyers! He only managed to have this voice after 16 years! On account of your fans! Who insisted and led to the exhibition and the Documentary Framing Britney Spears! It's time for the State, the government, the media to pay Britney for the damage done to the life of this girl, the princess of Hollywood! From America, which America itself destroyed!!!! Indemnity of $$1 billion dollars would still be too little United States of America, do you know why??? Because life doesn't go back!!!!
Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Brenda Penny Have you decided nothing? What does Excellence still have to think about? Or is it that you would like to change your lifestyle with Britney, and I say more, you should also respond in international law for this judgment of this guardianship that never existed because this is a crime! There hasn't been a guardian for years to say through their lawyer that they have been suffering constant abuse and violations from the guardian and family members and the court and the judge maintain such guardianship! What law is there? What is the base? The FBI will have to investigate! Interpool, because it has become a crime! soon Britney is at risk of life! What's up Brenda Penny? Will you pay for Britney Spears' death??!!! Will Los Angeles Court Pay? Or Is it okay to keep guardianship until I finish with Britney's account? Why is this judge? does she pay even the opposite fees? As far as I remember, she was the top-grossing singer in the 2000s! And no one is dumb, nor a muggle see? In 2002 she simply grossed $320 million dollars!!! In a year!!!!! And how Today, with this super guardianship that the super judge with its law and the USA defended her money for the good of her assets, wow, it protected so much! That she only has a small fortune of $60 million dollars!!! And never stopped working??? and only spent $20,000 dollars a month!!! For! Excellent! Penny, where's Britneyyyy's money??? Where??? Show me?! What have you done all these years?! What did the judge protect there?! This Court, everyone there is suspected! Because it didn't benefit Britney Spears at all!!! We are not idiots!!!! Give her money back now! her life now! American shame!!!